Thank you so much for your interest in sponsoring It's a Wannabe Decorator's Life!
I am dedicated to my readers and love to bring them tips on
decorating, tutorials on home projects or crafts, fashion ideas and
letting them know about products I use and adore.
My blog is updated 3 to 4 times weekly. As of March, my blog has 455 followers and 126,214 visits just since October of 2010! I continue to grow at a rapid rate and gain more readers daily!
It's a Wannabe Decorator's Life has been featured on:
The Inspired Room
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Savvy Southern Style
Southern Hospitality
and many more!
I am currently offering ad space for the following rate:
$20 a month
Prices are subject to change as my blog grows.
All I need is a 125 x 125 pixel block image from you, so I can display it in my sidebar
under "Sponsors". I also offer to host giveaways and reviews
of your products! This is the most exciting aspect to me! Finding a product I love
and telling others about it!
If you would like me to review a product, I will dedicate a full post
to your product and company. I will post a link to your website. If you would like me to host a giveaway, just email
me all the details and we will get that set up quickly.
Feel free to email me with any questions or concerns:
I am so excited at the prospect of working with you!!