Doing this post made me sooo want to go back to Seaside! We had such a relaxing time with nothing to do but take naps and look at the ocean. Hope you enjoy the pics!
The family at the best seafood hole in the wall EVER!!!
Megan driving the golf cart on our first outing of the town of Seaside
This is the downtown shopping district. So many restaurants and shops.
Oh my heavenly goodness! Isn't this tree gorgeous?
A beautiful home right in the middle of the square. Such a pretty porch
This church was beautiful!
My mother and sweet Kailey
Kailey and I having lunch. There honestly wasn't a bad place to eat in this town!
Look at this catfish and fried whole okra!! It just melted in your mouth
Day at the beach
Momma and I wearing our polka dots!
My sister will kill me! But, how could I not show off that baby bump? She looked too cute!
This was the cutest and smallest Post Office I think I've ever seen!
Hope you all have a blessed week!