Ethan's room is a typical 12 year old boy room. He actually wanted tons of posters of video games but I swayed him into liking these cool maps! I have to say, the maps are one of the best purchases we've made in a long time. My friend Jan, knew I was looking for some old classroom style maps and she happened to come across some at an antique mall in Terrell, Texas. When you searched as long as I did for this certain style of map and came up so discouraged, I didn't think it would work out. I would find a map, but it would $350 for one map!! Holy cow!! No way!! I wasn't willing to spend that type of money. So, when my husband and I went and looked and found 7 maps from 1918 still in their wooden box that you hang from the ceiling for $150 I was pretty giddy!!! So was my husband! He thought this was a pretty cool purchase. I love it when he gets excited about stuff for the house! Which isn't often. So, I hope you enjoy Ethan's room!
This room was actually the office. I kept the wood paneling the same in here. I thought it went well with his bed and the theme. The room is a little small. But, he literally just sleeps in here and changes his clothes. The gameroom is where he spends most of his time.
This chest was your typical cherry wood style chest. Nothing special. I used Annie Sloan chalk paint in Greek blue with a little bit of the dark wax. Talk about easy. I love the blue so much!!
You can see Ethan's room from the living room. This is the view from the couch. So, he kinda has to keep it tidy. Believe me, he doesn't like to do this! But what 12 year old does?
This is a small area right outside his room. His bathroom is to the right. I love the linen cabinet. I didn't have this in my last house and boy does it come in handy!
Hope enjoyed it! Here is a list of the places I got things.
Quilt ~ TJ Maxx
Flag pillow ~ Home Goods
Maps ~ antique mall
E initial ~ Canton Trade Days
Bed ~ Rooms to Go Kids
I will be linking up here: